Iteris Selected To Support IIJA-Funded Northwestern Illinois Region Safety Evaluation Project

Iteris, Inc., the world’s trusted technology ecosystem for smart mobility infrastructure management, announced it has been chosen to support Stephenson County, Illinois and the Blackhawk Hills Regional Council in completing a safety analysis of the area’s transportation infrastructure.

Iteris is subconsultant to Kaskaskia Engineering Group, a trusted local full-service civil engineering, environmental, and contracting firm. Iteris will be an active part of their team, providing a safety analysis, equity analysis, and an identification of safety improvement countermeasures for the rural six-county area in Northwestern Illinois. The aim of the project is to comprehensively evaluate safety challenges in the area to identify solutions that can help the region’s crash reduction goals. The project will prioritize the needs of the local disadvantaged communities that historically have not been able to participate in the planning process.

This project is funded by the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) initiative, an important federal safety grant program under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), which supports local and regional initiatives to prevent death and serious injury on roads and streets. Through this program, the USDOT is expected to award a total of $5 billion in SS4A grants to state, regional, and local agencies over five years.

“We’re honored to partner with Kaskaskia Engineering Group in order to help the Blackhawk Hills Regional Council and the communities they serve,” said Cliff Heise, regional vice president, mobility professional services at Iteris. “In addition to Illinois representing a strategic growth market for Iteris, we’re excited about the goals of this project and look forward to helping the region create safer, more equitable transportation infrastructure.”

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